Where are you looking?

“It is important to live in the now. It is also important to look to the future. There are points in time, where we are meant to focus more on one or the other, however, neither of them is a definite point of view.” If you are only focused on either looking to the future, dwelling in the past or living in the present, you will miss the wisdom that comes from the balance of all three.
If you could see yourself in the future, wouldn’t it change the choices that you make in the present? If you could go back in time and fix your mistakes, how would you ever learn? We must not live life worrying about this day or that day, or how much time we have. Rather live as though you have a world ahead of you and a life behind you. Live in such a way that you can wear your past on your face and feel no shame.

When you stand, which way do your feet point? They are in front of you. And what side of your body are your eyes located? On the front of you. Where is your nose? On the front of you! Even our flesh was made to keep moving forward. That is all that matters. Keep moving forward watching, smelling and listening for what's ahead. 


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